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Post  GM_bvPink Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:11 am

*Update, fix, change
+Addition to the server
-Subtraction from the server:

Hello. With the release of 1.1, we have integrated and fixed many things.

+ Admins can use a mailing system, which sends a mail to all players. This is similar to the message of the day.

+Courier. Type /letter (message) to create a letter, and /post (name) and an enderman will deliver the text which will be rendered onto a map. The permissions may not work for all ranks. We are working on a hotifx.

*Fixed MANY, MANY, MANY commands to be accessible to ranks. (/rules, /help, etc...)

+Creative world with separating inventories for each world. (type /warp creative)

*Updated the in game rules to be an almost identical clone of the forum rules.

+Added color coding the the rules in - game

*Did some tweaking with the physics on the server.

*Did some adjusting of the config

*Made the server engine even LIGHTER

*Our host has moved the server to solid state drives, and reworked the nodes.

+Added an automatic day maker, unless someone votes for nighttime.

*Fixed the MoTD

-Removed automatic broadcasting of messages that you see in game. We did the same thing on the last server, but it was annoying so we removed it again.

+Added "HelpMe" Players submit tickets for admins to read when they log on. The tickets can contain complaints, and bugs.

*All bans will be recorded on the forum. Under the "Ban Logs" topic.

*Owners will now have the red brackets, instead of the golden brackets at their names. SupremeBeing's now all have different color brackets. This has been changed as of 2/28/13.

+CREATED A BACKUP OF THE WORLD -- "2/25/13" 10:11 PM

That covers it for 1.1! Thanks for reading! It's been a fun run so far on the new server!


Posts : 227
Join date : 2011-11-29
Age : 27
Location : Missouri, United States


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