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Application for le Moderator

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Application for le Moderator Empty Application for le Moderator

Post  RubyWither Sat May 11, 2013 4:19 pm

Why hello there, reader. I bet you are wondering why I am here. If you're not, you shall due to my evil glare of doom Twisted Evil

Name: My real name is Kevin. My in-game name is RubyWither.

Age: I am 13 years of age.

Rank you want: I am applying for the rank Moderator

Current rank: My current rank is Member. Waaa.

Why you think you would be good in this position: I like to go around, helping players, making sure there is no chaos or grief. I usually am known to have a sneaky eye, being able to spot players when they're ready to cause destruction to the server. I am very careful on my rank, so I do make sure I do not abuse or break any rules. I make staff not regret their decision, and I show pride in what I do as a Moderator.

Why do you want to be this rank: I have been moderator about 5 times in the servers I've joined. I am familiar with this rank/experience, and I do help out those ranks below me when needed. I trust players and staff, in hope that they can trust me, to help them in every possible way I can.

Reviews for application: Idk what this is so here's an afro afro

People that would support: None of the friends that I play MC with play this server, so I'm not really sure of many people in-game that would support. But yeah. You won't regret choosing me. I promise.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-05-11

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Application for le Moderator Empty Re: Application for le Moderator

Post  GM_bvPink Sat May 11, 2013 4:52 pm

I'll make you Trusted in a few days. If you do good with that, we'll see how far you go.

I'm sure you'll do good for the server Exclamation

Posts : 227
Join date : 2011-11-29
Age : 27
Location : Missouri, United States


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