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Application for Moderator

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Application for Moderator Empty Application for Moderator

Post  cheese00 Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:22 pm

Hello I’m Jack (cheese00)

Age: 14

I would like to apply for the rank of Moderator.

My current rank is Explorer.

Why I will be good in this position:  I think that a good moderator is someone that has a good-eye for people obstructing the rules and does not abuse their powers and take advantage of them.  I will be a fair, but firm moderator and will follow all the rules of being one.  Also, I have been a temporary moderator on the server in the past so I have experience of using the commands and abilities you can use. (Although I know things change and I will look forward to using new commands and abilities!)

Why I want to be this rank: As you know I’ve been on the server for a while now and would love to help keep it controlled and to be given the rank of moderator would be a great achievement for me.
People that would support: I have a friend that has been on the server (conton7744) who is willing to support me being a moderator which I am very grateful for.

Also, I will be online as much as possible whilst you are offline and will always ask permission before banning someone if I think they should be banned. I will stay (as I’ve always been!) dedicated to the server.

Finally, my main objective in becoming a Moderator is to help make the Minecraft experience as enjoyable as possible on the server for the people that use it.

Thank you,

Jack Bounds (cheese00)

P.S. You can Skype me if there’s anything you wish to talk about. My Skype name is altair4455.

Posts : 3
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 25
Location : Isle Of Wight

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Application for Moderator Empty Re: Application for Moderator

Post  GM_bvPink Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:08 pm

I accept the application.

You've shown dedication throughout the years that you've visited the server, and I'm in need of some staff. I feel like I can trust you to act accordingly in situations. I'll email you with expectations and Admin rules.

See you soon,


Posts : 227
Join date : 2011-11-29
Age : 27
Location : Missouri, United States


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